  • 《Pancreas.》 2022年51卷6期

摘要 : Differences in methods for biospecimen collection, processing, and storage can yield considerable variability and error. Therefore, best practices for standard operating procedures are critical for successful discovery, developmen... 展开

作者 Wasserfall~ Clive   Dyer~ Anne-Marie   Speake~ Cate   Andersen~ Dana K.   Baab~ Kendall Thomas   Bellin~ Melena D.   Broach~ James R.   Campbell-Thompson~ Martha   Chinchilli~ Vernon M.   Lee~ Peter J.   Park~ Walter G.   Pratley~ Richard E.   Saloman~ Jami L.   Sims~ Emily K.   Tang~ Gong   Yadav~ Dhiraj   Yazici~ Cemal   Conwell~ Darwin L.   Type 1 Diabet Acute Pancreatitis C  
期刊名称 《Pancreas.》
总页数 5
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R57  
关键词 laboratory protocol   pancreas   immunology   type 1 diabetes   biosamples   biorepository   AP   acute pancreatitis   CPDPC   Chronic Pancreatitis Diabetes Pancreas Cancer Consortium   DCC   data coordinating center   DKCR   NIDDK Central Repository   DREAM   Diabetes RElated to Acute pancreatitis and its Mechanisms   LN   liquid nitrogen   NIDDK   National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases   PBMC   peripheral blood mononuclear cells   SOP   standard operating procedures   ST   sample tracking module   T1DAPC   Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium   BIOREPOSITORY  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0000561