Pancreatic cancer has poor prognosis and a continuously growing incidence. By 2030, it should becomethe second cause of death by cancer worldwide and in France. The only curative treatment is surgery that isachievable in only 20% ...
Pancreatic cancer has poor prognosis and a continuously growing incidence. By 2030, it should becomethe second cause of death by cancer worldwide and in France. The only curative treatment is surgery that isachievable in only 20% of patients at the time of initial diagnosis, with a high rate of incomplete resection. Neoadjuvant treatments using chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy are more often admitted toplay an important role by selecting non-progressing cases who will benefit from surgery, by increasingthe number of complete resection, and by making locally advanced and borderline tumours accessibleto resection. However, the role of radiotherapy is still debated. Because of its dosimetric advantages, itsshort total duration, and its good tolerance with reduced volumes of irradiation, stereotactic radiotherapyhas been largely studied. Compared to chemoradiotherapy, this technique could improve the therapeuticindex helping to preserve the general status of patients in order to give them access to secondary surgery. It remains a promising technique still under evaluation, to be delivered ideally, as part of a clinical trial, or within an experimented team. (c) 2021 Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. Allrights reserved.