  • 《Landtechnik: Fachzeitschrift fur Agrartechnik und Landliches Bauen》 2000年55卷4期

摘要 : Methane (CH{sub}4) and nitrous oxide (N{sub}2O) gases contribute to the global greenhouse effect. For the most part, methane emissions from animal husbandry are endogenous. In contrast, nitrous oxide is mainly produced during the ... 展开

作者 Hartung Eberhard   Monteny Gert-Jan  
期刊名称 《Landtechnik: Fachzeitschrift fur Agrartechnik und Landliches Bauen》
总页数 2
语种/中图分类号 德语 / S22   S3  
关键词 Methane   Nitrous oxide   Emission rates   Dairy cow keeping   Pig keeping   Poultry Keeping  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0003456