  • 《The Plant Journal》 2022年112卷3期

摘要 : SUMMARY Vacuolar H+‐ATPase (V‐ATPase) has diverse functions related to plant development and growth. It creates the turgor pressure that drives cell growth by generating the energy needed for the active transport of solutes acro... 展开

作者 Lili Gu   Haimin Li   Qian Zhang   Yajin Ye   Laigeng Li   Wenbo Li   Laifu Luo  
期刊名称 《The Plant Journal》
总页数 13
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q94  
关键词 cell growth   V‐ATPase   ion   VHA‐B   VAB3   Arabidopsis thaliana  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000198