  • 《Preventive Veterinary Medicine》 2018年157卷

摘要 : From 2009 to 2012 a gradual increase in on-farm mortality of Dutch veal calves was observed. In 2012, the cattle industry decided that more information was needed on risk factors for mortality in both veal herds and herds of origi... 展开

作者 I.M.G.A. Santman-Berends   A.J.G. de Bont-Smolenaars   L. Roos   A.G.J. Velthuis   G. van Schaik  
期刊名称 《Preventive Veterinary Medicine》
总页数 8
语种/中图分类号 other / S85  
关键词 Veal   Dairy   Calves   Mortality   Risk factors  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0007379