  • 《Journal of health psychology》 2022年27卷7期

摘要 : This study explored the associations between individuals presenting different problematic eating behaviors (Objective/Subjective binge-eating-OBE/SBE-and Compulsive/Non-compulsive grazing-C_Grazing/NC_Grazing) and eating disorder ... 展开

作者 de Lourdes~ Marta   Pinto-Bastos~ Ana   Machado~ Paulo P. P.   Conceicao~ Eva  
期刊名称 《Journal of health psychology》
总页数 12
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R74  
关键词 bariatric surgery   binge-eating episodes   eating-related psychopathology   grazing   problematic eating behaviors  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0006429