  • 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》 2022年113卷1期

摘要 : This study comprises a simulated assessment of the influence of temperature on transfer characteristics of SiGe source-based Epitaxial layer tunnel field effect transistor (SiGe source ETLTFET). Using the transfer characteristics,... 展开

作者 Debnath~ Radhe Gobinda   Baishya~ Srimanta  
期刊名称 《Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing》
总页数 12
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TN43  
关键词 RF   Linearity   Intermodulation distortion   BTBT   Epitaxial layer   TFET   FIELD   GATE   DEPENDENCE   IMPACT   ANALOG   RF  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0012013