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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Contextual embedding learning to enhance 2D networks for volumetric image segmentation Zhuoyuan Wang, Dong Sun, Xiangyun Zeng...
2 Facial Action Unit detection based on multi-task learning strategy for unlabeled facial images in the wild Ziqiao Shang, Bin Liu
3 Generative adversarial networks for prognostic and health management of industrial systems: A review Qing Li, Yanning Tang, Liying Chu
4 Detecting diabetic retinopathy using a hybrid ensemble XL machine model with dual weighted-Kernel ELM and improved mayfly optimization Anitha K, Shanmuga Prabha P, Sashi Rekha K...
5 Efficiency assessment of two-stage systems with fixed-sum outputs: A noncooperative DEA model with uncertain stage priority Xiaoqi Zhang, Fangqing Wei, Qiong Xia...
6 A multi-stage LSTM federated forecasting method for multi-loads under multi-time scales Xianfang Song, Zhipeng Chen, Jun Wang...
7 Enhancing security in brain-computer interface applications with deep learning: Electroencephalogram-based user identification Ali Seyfizadeh, Robert L. Peach, Philip Tovote...
8 MPSA: Multi-Position Supervised Soft Attention-based convolutional neural network for histopathological image classification Bai Qing, Sun Zhanquan, Wang Kang...
9 Modeling rutting depth on RIOHTrack asphalt pavement using Circle LSTMs Chengye Zhang, Zhuoxuan Li, Jinde Cao...
10 VolMemDroid-Investigating android malware insights with volatile memory artifacts Saneeha Khalid, Faisal Bashir Hussain