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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Editorial Hou, Zhe, Ganesh... 333
2 Verifying verified code Zhou, Xiang, Su... 335
3 Probabilistic causes in Markov chains Ziemek, Robin, Piribauer... 347
4 Automated quantized inference for probabilistic programs with AQUA Huang, Zixin, Dutta... 369
5 From Emerson-Lei automata to deterministic, limit-deterministic or good-for-MDP automata John, Tobias, Jantsch... 385
6 Certifying DFA Bounds for Recognition and Separation Kupferman, Orna, Lavee... 405
7 AALpy: an active automata learning library Muskardin, Edi, Aichernig... 417
8 MaxSAT-based temporal logic inference from noisy data Gaglione, Jean-Raphael, Neider... 427
9 Live synthesis Finkbeiner, Bernd, Klein... 443
10 Compositional synthesis of modular systems Finkbeiner, Bernd, Passing... 455