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1 I'm not fluent: How linguistic fluency, new media literacy, and personality traits influence fake news engagement behavior on social media Miller S., Bourrie D., Menard P.
2 Data avatars: A theory-guided design and assessment for multidimensional data visualization Pflughoeft K.A., Zahedi F., Chen Y.
3 The influence of ERP-vendor contract compliance and transaction-specific investment on vendee trust: A signaling theory perspective Li X., Lowry P.B., Lai F.
4 Disrupting the disruptor: The role of information systems in facilitating second-mover advantage Au C.H., Tan B., Leong C....
5 Towards a theoretical framework for augmented reality marketing: A means-end chain perspective on retailing Kumar H., Rauschnabel P.A., Agarwal M.N....
6 Why so skeptical? Investigating the emergence and consequences of consumer skepticism toward web seals Lins S., Greulich M., Sunyaev A....
7 A collective portfolio selection approach for investment clubs Li Y.-M., Hung M.-C., Lin L.-F.
8 Exploring the impacts of a recommendation system on an e-platform based on consumers’ online behavioral data Feng L., Yuan H., Qian Y....
9 Dissemination of health messages in online social network: A study of healthcare providers’ content generation and dissemination on Twitter Vaghefi M.S., Beheshti N., Jain H.
10 Understanding how algorithmic injustice leads to making discriminatory decisions: An obedience to authority perspective Ghasemaghaei M., Kordzadeh N.