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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 DPFuzz: A fuzz testing tool based on the guidance of defect prediction Zhanqi Cui, Haochen Jin, Xiang Chen...
2 Towards a framework for reliable performance evaluation in defect prediction Xutong Liu, Shiran Liu, Zhaoqiang Guo...
3 Latch: Enabling large-scale automated testing on constrained systems Tom Lauwaerts, Stefan Marr, Christophe Scholliers
4 Selected papers from the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods - SBMF 2022 Lucas Lima, Vince Molnar
5 TADA: A Toolkit for Approximate Distributed Agreement Eduardo Lourenco da Conceicao, Ana Nunes Alonso, Rui Carlos Oliveira...
6 Taming shared mutable states of operating systems in Rust Jaemin Hong, Sunghwan Shim, Sanguk Park...
7 CRAG - a combinatorial testing-based generator of road geometries for ADS testing Paolo Arcaini, Ahmet Cetinkaya
8 Prescriptive procedure for manual code smell annotation Simona Prokic, Nikola Luburic, Jelena Slivka...
9 Smart contract vulnerability detection using wide and deep neural network Samuel Banning Osei, Zhongchen Ma, Rubing Huang
10 iGnnVD: A novel software vulnerability detection model based on integrated graph neural networks Jinfu Chen, Yemin Yin, Saihua Cai...