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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Seston flux in a tropical saline lake Luis A. Oseguera, Javier Alcocer, Elva Escobar 1,477
2 Assessing the influence of watershed- and reach-scale environmental variables on the speciose darter (Percidae: Etheostoma, Percina) assemblage of a central Kentucky (USA) landscape Scott A. Grubbs, Albert J. Meier, Ouida D. Meier 1,482
3 Vertical distribution of invertebrates in red snow (Akashibo) at Ozegahara mire, Central Japan Haruo Fukuhara, Akifumi Ohtaka, Naoya Kimura... 1,487
4 Diets of juvenile hybrid striped bass (Percichthyidae: Morone chrysops ♀×M. saxatilis (♂)) Erica N. Brumbaugh, David A. Culver 1,493
5 Species diversity of planktonic and epiphytic Rotifers in the Hordodi-Backwater (2005, 2006) A. Toth, K. Zsuga, T. Loerincz... 1,496
6 Primary production, carbon flux and the distribution of the amphipod Diporeia in Lake Superior Martin T. Auer, Nancy A. Auer, Noel R. Urban... 1,499
7 The influence of turbulence on vertical distribution of zooplankton in shallow, kinetic Lake Balaton (Hungary) Eszter Baranyai, Laszlo G.-Toth 1,505
8 Organic carbon lability and community-level physiological profiling of bacterial populations in Lake Superior Kimberly D. Powell, Martin T. Auer 1,509
9 Salinization of the Glenelg River in Southwest Victoria, Australia Hiroyuki li, John Sherwood, Nick Turoczy 1,515
10 Characterization of UV-absorbing organic matter in Lake Biwa using high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry Chizuru Wada, Kazuhide Hayakawa, Tomoyo Suzuki... 1,520