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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Heat index historical trends and projections due to climate change in the Mediterranean basin based on CMIP6 Alvarez I., Lorenzo M.N., Diaz-Poso A....
2 Synoptic control of the spatiotemporal variability of fog and low clouds under ENSO phenomena along the Chilean coast (17°-36° S) Espinoza V., del Rio C., Lobos-Roco F.
3 The temperature feedback in the intraseasonal Warm Arctic–Cold North America pattern Guan W., Hu K., Wang L....
4 Comprehensive assessment of five near-real-time satellite precipitation products in the Lower Yangtze River Basin and the Lixiahe region, China: Dual perspectives from time series and extreme events Li W., Kang Y., Shu Z....
5 Effects of VOC emission reduction on atmospheric photochemistry and ozone concentrations during high-ozone episodes Mozaffar A., Zhang Y.-L.
6 Estimating high spatio-temporal resolution XCO2 using spatial features deep fusion model Cui L., Yang H., Qiao Y....
7 On the relation between the planetary boundary layer height and in situ surface observations of atmospheric aerosol pollutants during spring in an urban area Foskinis R., Gini M.I., Diapouli E....
8 Meteorology-driven trends in PM2.5 concentrations and related health burden over India Wang X., Zhu J., Li K....
9 Tropical cyclone intensity estimation using multispectral image with convolutional dictionary learning Liu Z., Fu R., Wu N....
10 Bridging the Gap: Establishing Spatial Correlations and Type Conversion Relationships among Different Aerosol Idetification Methods Chen Q.-X., Huang C.-L., Dong S.-K....