序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Air–sea flux of CO_2 in arctic coastal waters influenced by glacial melt water and sea ice M.K. SEJR, D. KRAUSE-JENSEN, S. RYSGAARD... 815
2 Sea ice contribution to the air–sea CO_2 exchange in the Arctic and Southern Oceans SOREN RYSGAARD, JORGEN BENDTSEN, BRUNO DELILLE... 823
3 Five-year analysis of background carbon dioxide and ozone variations during summer seasons at the Mario Zucchelli station (Antarctica) T. COLOMBO, P. BONASONI, P. CRISTOFANELLI... 831
4 Separating remote fetch and local mixing influences on vertical radon measurements in the lower atmosphere J. CRAWFORD, S. CHAMBERS, A. G. WILLIAMS... 843
5 Extreme events in total ozone over the Northern mid-latitudes: an analysis based on long-term data sets from five European ground-based stations HARALD E. RIEDER, LEONHARDT M. JANCSO, STEFANIA DI ROCCO... 860
6 Near-global aerosol mapping in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere with data from the CARIBIC project JOST HEINTZENBERG, MARKUS HERMANN, ANDREAS WEIGELT... 875
7 Measurements of black carbon aerosol washout ratio on Svalbard DEAN A. HEGG, ANTONY D. CLARKE, SARAH J. DOHERTY... 891
8 Continuous 25-yr aerosol records at coastal Antarctica–I: inter-annual variability of ionic compounds and links to climate indices ROLF WELLER, DIETMAR WAGENBACH, MICHEL LEGRAND... 901
9 Continuous 25-yr aerosol records at coastal Antarctica Part 2: variability of the radionuclides ~7Be, ~(10)Be and ~(210)Pb CHRISTOPH ELSASSER, DIETMAR WAGENBACH, ROLF WELLER... 920
10 Seasonal and diurnal cycles of 0.25–2.5 μm aerosol fluxes over urban Stockholm, Sweden M. VOGT, E.D. NILSSON, L. AHLM... 935