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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Transcriptome analysis of gene expression in the tomato leaf premature senescence mutant Jin Fengmei, Hua Mingyan, Song Lanfang... 1,501
2 Know when and how to die: gaining insights into the molecular regulation of leaf senescence Sasi Jyothish Madambikattil, Gupta Shitij, Singh Apurva... 1,515
3 Evaluation of reference genes for transcript normalization in Fragaria chiloensis fruit and vegetative tissues Gaete-Eastman Carlos, Mattus-Araya Elena, Herrera Raúl... 1,535
4 Response of F. arundinacea seed germination to temperatures, water potentials, and priming treatments using hydro- and thermal-time models Mamedi Arash, Salehi Parvin, Divargar Fatemeh 1,545
5 Correction to: TDZ-induced direct shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis on cotyledonary node explants of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Chhabra Gulshan, Chaudhary Darshna, Verma Madan Lal... 1,559
6 Exogenous methyl jasmonate modulates antioxidant activities and delays pericarp browning in litchi Deshi Vinayak, Homa Fozia, Ghatak Abhijeet... 1,561
7 Optimized gamma radiation produces physiological and morphological changes that improve seed yield in wheat Shabani Marzieh, Alemzadeh Abbas, Nakhoda Babak... 1,571
8 Meta-analysis of QTLs and candidate genes associated with seed germination in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Veisi Sheida, Sabouri Atefeh, Abedi Amin 1,587
9 MicroRNAs expression profiles in early responses to different levels of water deficit in Setaria viridis Cardoso Thiago Bergamo, Nepomuceno Alexandre Lima, Kobayashi Adilson Kenji... 1,607
10 Responses of Prorocentrum cordatum (Ostenfeld) Dodge, 1975 (Dinoflagellata) to copper nanoparticles and copper ions effect Shoman Natalia, Solomonova Ekaterina, Akimov Arkadii... 1,625