收藏 分享
序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Traditional Chinese Medicine for COVID-19: A Network Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Zhaochen Ji, Haiyin Hu, Xiaoyu Qiang... 883
2 Target-Specific Drug Discovery of Natural Products against SARS-CoV-2 Life Cycle and Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Minjun Lee, Junwoo Park, Ik-Hyun Cho 927
3 Perioperative Acupuncture Optimizes Surgical Outcomes: Theory, Clinical Practice and Future Perspectives Weiliang Zhang, Hongguang Zhang, Shu-Ming Wang... 961
4 Gut Flora Mediates the Rapid Tolerance of Electroacupuncture on Ischemic Stroke by Activating Melatonin Receptor through Regulating Indole-3-Propionic Acid Shan Li, Xiaoyong Zhao, Feihong Lin... 979
5 Zingiber officinale: A Systematic Review of Botany, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Gut Microbiota-Related Gastrointestinal Benefits Wenjing Lai, Xia Lin, Xing Zhang... 1,007
6 Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Patent Medicine Combined with Oseltamivir for the Treatment of Adult Influenza: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Xiaona Li, Bin Liu, Naifan Duan... 1,043
7 Polyphenols from Chinese Herbal Medicine: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets in Pulmonary Fibrosis Lei Wang, Ting Zhu, Deqin Feng... 1,063
8 Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine for Endometriosis Associated Pain Yuezhen Lin, Ruijie Hou, Tao Zhang... 1,095
9 Protective Effect of Ginsenosides from Stems and Leaves of Panax ginseng against Scopolamine-Induced Memory Damage via Multiple Molecular Mechanisms Ying Wang, Jun-Jie Zhang, Jin-Gang Hou... 1,113
10 Salidroside Ameliorates Ischemia-Induced Neuronal Injury through AMPK Dependent and Independent Pathways to Maintain Mitochondrial Quality Control Benhong He, Ling Chen, Juan Chen... 1,133