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1 The effects on yield and components of yield in oats infected with BYDV-PAV at different growth stages M. BisNiEKS, T. PERSSON, H. ECKERSIEN... 521
2 Effect of infections with barley yellow dwarf virus and Fusarium spp. on assimilation of 14CO2 by flag leaves and translocation of photosynthates in wheatEinfluss von Infektionen mit Barley yellow dwarf virus und Fusarium spp. auf die Assimilation vo Y. LlU, H. BUCHENAUER 529
3 Effect of p-aminobutyric acid on phytoplasma-infected Catharan-thus roseus shoots M. CURKOVIC PERICA, M. SERUGA Musi 544
4 Antagonistic potential of Thchoderma spp. against Rhizoctonia solani and use of M13 microsatellite-primed PCR to evaluate the antagonist genetic variation A ASRAN-AMAI, K. A. ABD-ELSALAM, M. R OMAR. A. A. AIY 550
5 Manifestation of black spot disease (Alternaria brassicicola) in intact leaves and detached leaf segments of cabbage plants grown in nutrient solutions without N, P, K and Ca P. SCHOLZE, Y. DING 562
6 The epigeal predatory arthropods in aubergine fields at South Sumatra (Indonesia) with regard to the plant cover and the use of insecticidesVorkommen der epigaischen Raubarthropoden in Auberginenfeldern Sud-Sumatras (Indonesien) unter Beriicksichtigu T. BASEDOW, Y. WARUwu 573
7 The different effects of two preparations of neem (Azadirachta indica) and of Sumicidin on the aphid predator Hippodamia va-riegata (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) E. E. A HAMD, H. A F. Ei SHAKE 580
8 Efficacy of neem plant (Azadirachta indica) extracts in the control of Trogoderma granarium, a pest of stored groundnuts O. O. ODEYEMI, M. O. ASHAMO 586
9 Toxic and residual effects of Azadirachta indica, Tagetes erecta and Cynodon dactylon seed extracts and leaf powders towards Tribolium castaneum M S. ISLAM, F. A. TAiUKDER 594
10 Fumigant activity of six monoterpenoids from aromatic plants in Turkey against the two stored-product pests confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum, and Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella F. ERIER 602