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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Evaluation of acute phase proteins, adiponectin and endothelin-1 to determine vascular damage in dogs with heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis), before and after adulticide treatment Montoya-Alonso J.A., Carreton E., Tvarijonaviciute A....
2 Therapeutic effects of Hirudo medicinalis extract antigens on modulation of CD4+CD25+Foxp3 T cell activity in murine eimeriosis Al-Sayed S.E., Abdel-Haleem H.M., El-Shahawy G....
3 Nanoformulations with synthetic and plant-derived compounds for cattle tick control Figueiredo A., Santos I.B., Gainza Y.A....
4 Ocimum gratissimum essential oil and eugenol against Ctenocephalides felis felis and Rhipicephalus sanguineus: In vitro activity and residual efficacy of a eugenol-based spray formulation Oliveira L.M., de Almeida Chaves D.S., Raquel de Jesus I.L....
5 Neuromuscular system of the causative agent of dicrocoeliosis, Dicrocoelium lanceatum. I. 5-Hydroxytryptamine in the nervous system Terenina N.B., Mochalova N.V., Movsesyan S.O....
6 A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact of strongyle parasitism on growth rates in young cattle Playford M., Oswin S., Hancock A.S....
7 Performance of indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using Trichinella spiralis-derived Serpin as antigen for the detection of exposure to Trichinella spp. in swine Lobanov V.A., Konecsni K.A., Scandrett W.B....
8 Risk factors for Cryptosporidium infection in small ruminants in northern Greece Diakou A., Xiao L., Papanikolopoulou V....
9 Cloning and expression of a cDNA coding for Eimeria acervulina 25 kDa protein associated with oocyst and sporocyst walls Tucker M., Miska K., Jenkins M.C....
10 Precision of cyathostomin luminal worm counts: Investigation of storage duration and fixative Smith M.A., Nielsen M.K., Carpenter A.B.