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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Values and argumentation in collaborative design Le Bail Chloé, Baker Michael, Détienne Fran?oise 165
2 ‘The blue dot thing’: a discourse analysis of learner interlanguage in instructional design Howard Craig D., L. Bevins Katherine 186
3 Zones of participation – a framework to analyse design roles in early childhood education and care (ECEC) Brinck Jaana, Leinonen Teemu, Lipponen Lasse... 208
4 Co-designing a co-design tool to strengthen ideation in digital experience design at museums Olesen Anne R?rb?k, Holdgaard Nanna, L?vlie Anders Sundnes 227
5 ‘Hey, I can do that too!’: How skilful participation thrives in a co-sewing café Hirscher Anja-Lisa 243
6 Unboxing empathy: reflecting on architectural design for maternal health Sandman Helena, Meguid Tarek, Lev?nen Jarkko 260