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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Combined orthodontic and surgical open bite correction: Principles for success. Part 2 Arnett, G. William, D'Agostino... 431
2 Orthodontists' perceptions of and adaptations to nonspecialist and direct-to-consumer orthodontic service providers Brown, Matthew, Wiltshire... 446
3 A comparative assessment of the amount and rate of orthodontic space closure toward a healed vs recent lower premolar extraction site: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial Abu Alhaija, Elham S., Al Shayeb... 463
4 Comparing patient-centered outcomes and efficiency of space closure between nickel-titanium closed-coil springs and elastomeric power chains during orthodontic treatment: A two-center, randomized clinical trial Badran, Serene A., Al-Zaben... 471
5 Effect of low-level laser therapy on the time needed for leveling and alignment of mandibular anterior crowding: A randomized controlled clinical trial Negm, Ibrahim Mazen, Ghaffar... 478
6 Dental arch changes after anterior open bite treatment in the mixed dentition produced by miniscrew-supported palatal crib vs conventional fixed palatal crib: A randomized clinical trial Fouda, Ahmed S., Afify... 487
7 Alveolar bone thickness and height changes following incisor retraction treatment with microimplants: A cone beam computed tomography study Hung, Bui Quang, Hong... 497
8 Association between malocclusion and articulation of phonemes in early childhood Amr-Rey, Omaya, Sanchez-Delgado... 505
9 Association of the three-dimensional skeletal variables with self- recognition of facial asymmetry in skeletal Class III patients Lim, Seung-Weon, Jeon... 512
10 Influence of personality traits on a patient's decision to accept orthognathic surgery for correction of dentofacial deformity Vidakovic, Renata, Zigante... 521