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序号 标题 作者 起始页 操作
1 Clinical and microbiological effects of ultrasonically activated irrigation versus syringe irrigation during endodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Ali, Noha Tawfik, El-Boghdadi... 419
2 Physicochemical and microbiological assessment of a dental adhesive doped with cashew nut shell liquid Souza, Nayara de Oliveira, Cunha... 434
3 Identification of a familial cleidocranial dysplasia with a novel RUNX2 mutation and establishment of patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells Hamada, Atsuko, Mukasa... 444
4 Effect of stain brand and shade on color stability of stains applied on a CAD-CAM feldspathic ceramic Sasany, Rafat, Yilmaz... 452
5 Self-ligating brackets exhibit accumulation of high levels of periodontopathogens in gingival crevicular fluid Bergamo, Ana Zilda Nazar, Casarin... 460
6 Strontium ranelate improves post-extraction socket healing in rats submitted to the administration of bisphosphonates Goncalves, Fernanda Castanheira, Mascaro... 467
7 After-effects of acute footshock stress on sleep states and rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep in guinea pigs Yano, Hiroyuki, Ueno... 476
8 Direct and semi-direct resin composite restoration in large cavity preparations: analysis of dentin bond strength stability and bottom/top microhardness ratio in a cavity model de Lima Ribeiro, Andressa Eveline, Dias... 482
9 Accuracy of an electrical impedance device in estimation of remaining dentin thickness vs cone beam computed tomography Sarhan, Hebatallah, Hamama... 489
10 Fracture resistance of root canal-treated molars restored with ceramic overlays with/without different resin composite base materials: an in vitro study Ahmed, Hend S., Kataia... 497