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1 The RU_SATED as a measure of sleep health: cross-cultural adaptation and validation in Chinese healthcare students Runtang Meng, Lu Dong, Joseph M. Dzierzewski... 1
2 Relationship between emotional divorce and alexithymia among married women in Saudi Arabia Hend Faye AL-shahrani, Mohammad Ahmed Hammad 1
3 Current status of nonsuicidal injuries and associated factors among junior high school students in Hainan Province, China: a cross-sectional study Siying Ma, Zhaoxia Su 1
4 Social media and partnership jointly alleviate caregivers’ psychological distress: exploring the effects of online and offline connectedness Song Harris Ao, Xinshu Zhao, Luxi Zhang... 1
5 Under the sun: adaptation effects to changes in facial complexion Sandra Utz, Claus-Christian Carbon, Ronja Mueller... 1
6 The associations between screen time and mental health in adolescents: a systematic review Renata Maria Silva Santos, Camila Guimar?es Mendes, Guilherme Yanq Sen Bressani... 1
7 Suicidal ideation of people living with HIV and its relations to depression, anxiety and social support Yong Yu, Bangan Luo, Lulu Qin... 1
8 Ethnicity as a risk factor for gambling disorder: a large-scale study linking data from the Norwegian patient registry with the Norwegian social insurance database Sarah Helene Aarestad, Eilin Kristine Erevik, Rune Aune Mentzoni... 1
9 Developing behavioural activation for people with acquired brain injury: a qualitative interpretive description study of barriers and facilitators to activity engagement Andrea Kusec, Fionnuala C. Murphy, Polly V. Peers... 1
10 Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the physical activity parenting practices questionnaire Marco Silva-Martins, Ana Catarina Canário, Isabel Abreu-Lima... 1