Field studies were conducted on performance of different weed management techniques under aerobic rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.) production system during kharif 2009 at Zonal Agricultural Station, V. C. Farm, Mandya. The major weed...
Field studies were conducted on performance of different weed management techniques under aerobic rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.) production system during kharif 2009 at Zonal Agricultural Station, V. C. Farm, Mandya. The major weed flora observed in the experimental field was <i>Echinochloa colonum</i>, <i>Ageratum conyzoides</i>, <i>Commelina benghalensis</i>, <i>Celosia argentia</i>, <i>Cyperus iria</i> and <i>Cyperus rotundus</i>. Pre-emergent application of bensulfuron methyl+pretilachlor (6.6 GR) @ 0.06+0.60 kg a. i./ha+one intercultivation at 40 DAS recorded higher grain yield (4804 kg/ha) and straw yield (5470 kg/ha). This was at par with bensulfuron methyl+pretilachlor (6.6 GR) @ 0.06+0.60 kg a. i./ha after sowing (4425 and 5020 kg/ha, respectively).