  • 《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》 2002年59卷4/5期

摘要 : Several methodologies were tested to supply nutrients to a downflow biofilter packed with perlite and used to treat toluene-polluted air. Despite the presence of an inorganic carrier, elimination capacities of up to around 60 g/m(... 展开

作者 Prado OJ.   Mendoza JA.   Veiga MC.   Kennes C.  
期刊名称 《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》
总页数 7
语种/中图分类号 英语 / Q93  
关键词 Trickle-bed biofilters   Exophiala-jeanselmei   Performance   Air   Removal   Toluene   Biofiltration   Styrene   Biomass   Vapors  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0006181