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    [期刊]   Paul Folan   Jim Browne   Harinder Jagdev   《Computers in Industry》    2007年58卷7期      共16页
    摘要 : Performance, as a concept, is a subject open to wide variability as it is a somewhat imprecise word when it functions as a placeholder in research. By using definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary and other research discipl... 展开

    [机翻] 主观业务绩效衡量是否合理?
    摘要 : Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to operationalize the subjective measures of business performance and assessing their justification for use in place of objective measures of business performance. Design/methodology/approach... 展开

    [机翻] 绩效评估及其近期挑战:文献综述
    摘要 : The purpose of this literature review is to identify the recent developmental changes in organisational performance measurement (PM) literature and identification of knowledge gaps in the field of PM. The review research pursued a... 展开

    [机翻] 使用记分卡和抽签提高两个自闭症治疗诊所行为技术人员的绩效
    摘要 : Performance scorecards are tools that measure staff performance across multiple criteria to produce a single, overall performance score, which can be used as feedback for employees. While scorecards are considered a low-cost and e... 展开

    摘要 : Researchers have argued that social-comparative rating formats hold important psychometric advantages over traditional absolute ratings. We asked 152 participants to observe and assess the videotaped performance of individuals ... 展开

    [机翻] 用厨房秤称大象:社会企业传统绩效评估工具的相关性
    摘要 : Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the use of current performance tools is consistent with the specific features of social enterprises. Design/methodology/approach - In a first phase, the main performance to... 展开

    [机翻] 印度小额信贷机构绩效的新视角:实证研究
    摘要 : With the massive growth in microfinance sector, the importance of performance measurement in microfinance institutions (MFIs) has prominent during the last decade. With an objective of commitment to dual mission, the Indian MFls w... 展开

    [机翻] 零售金融服务业部门绩效评估之实证研究
    摘要 : Purpose - Focussing on responsibility theory of management accounting, the purpose of this paper is to test how performance measurements are applied in divisionalised financial service companies. Management accounting theory sugge... 展开

    [机翻] 图形反馈、绩效反馈和目标设定提高了员工对大型住宅设施数据收集任务的遵从性
    [期刊]   Gil, Pamela J.   Carter, Stacy L.   《Journal of organizational behavior management》    2016年36卷1期      共15页
    摘要 : Because of budgetary constraints, human service organizations frequently expect consultants to recommend methods to enhance staff performance that require little or no additional funding. The current study utilized a multiple base... 展开

    摘要 : This study examines the relative performance of small- versus medium-sized service firms with respect to innovation orientations and their effect on business performance. We examine the effect of innovation on business performance... 展开
