  • 《Pedobiologia》 2022年91/92卷

摘要 : Digging mammals displace a large amount of soil, thereby strongly altering soil ecosystem processes such as nitrogen cycling through bioturbation. Although it is well known that bears displace a large amount of soil by digging for... 展开

作者 Tomita~ Kanji   Hiura~ Tsutom  
期刊名称 《Pedobiologia》
总页数 6
语种/中图分类号 英语 / S154  
关键词 Bioturbation   Nitrogen mineralization   Soil disturbance   Ursus arctos   GRIZZLY BEAR   SUS-SCROFA   MAMMALS   IMPACT   MINERALIZATION   VEGETATION  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000187