  • 《Gynecologic Oncology: An International Journal》 2023年170卷

摘要 : ? 2023 Elsevier Inc.Introduction: The goal of this study was to compare the outcomes of preoperative brachytherapy followed by radical surgery versus radical surgery alone in cervical cancer with tumor between 2 and 4 cm (FIGO 201... 展开

作者 Kissel M.   Balaya V.   Guani B.   Magaud L.   Mathevet P.   Lecuru F.   Uzan C.   Morice P.   Stoeckle E.   Fourchotte V.   Querleu D.   Baron M.   Ott B.   Darai E.   Leveque J.   Lanvin D.   Pomel C.   Marret H.   Leblanc E.   Houvenaeghel G.   Rouanet P.   Mage G.   Graesslin O.   Baldauf J.J.   Classe J.M.   Raudrant D.   Conri V.   Douvier S.   Barranger E.   Leguevaque P.   Fouche Y.   Boulanger L.   Schott A.M.   Bouttitie F.   Descamps P.  
期刊名称 《Gynecologic Oncology: An International Journal》
总页数 8
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R73  
关键词 Brachytherapy   Cervical cancer   Oncologic outcomes   Radical hysterectomy   SENTICOL  
馆藏号 N2007EPST0000792