  • 《Forest Ecology and Management》 2011年262卷12期

摘要 : To insure adequate regeneration and future timber yields of mahogany (<i>Swietenia macrophylla</i> King), many logged forests will have to be restocked through enrichment planting and managed using silvicultural techniques that ma... 展开

作者 Ramirez-Soria~ M. J.   Pariona~ W.   Golicher~ D.   Palacios~ G.   Navarro-Cerrillo~ R. M.   Griffith~ D. M.  
期刊名称 《Forest Ecology and Management》
总页数 10
语种/中图分类号 英语 / S7  
关键词 chemical control   forest management   forestry practices   forests   growth   herbicides   logging   logging effects   plant competition   seedling growth   seedlings   silvicultural systems   silviculture   solar radiation   survival   weed control   Swietenia macrophylla   Andean Group   Developing Countries   Latin America   America   South America   Swietenia   Meliaceae   Sapindales   dicotyledons   angiosperms   Spermatophyta   plants   eukaryotes.  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0012457