The goal of this project was to analyze a large collection of insect trap data accumulated by the Texas Pierce's Disease Research and Education Program. The traps were set in grape, <i>Vitis</i>, vineyards across Texas to monitor ...
The goal of this project was to analyze a large collection of insect trap data accumulated by the Texas Pierce's Disease Research and Education Program. The traps were set in grape, <i>Vitis</i>, vineyards across Texas to monitor the abundance and distribution of xylem fluid-feeding insects that may vector Pierce's disease. This study evaluated the three most abundant xylem fluid-feeding insects in Texas vineyards: the glassy-winged sharpshooter, <i>Homalodisca vitripennis</i> (Germar); a smaller green sharpshooter, <i>Graphocephala versuta</i> (Say); and the sunflower spittlebug, <i>Clastoptera xanthocephala</i> Germar. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was used to analyze insect abundance against environmental gradients of ecoregion, elevation, annual precipitation, and cold hardiness from 2003-2007 in each of 40 vineyards. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that distribution of species along environmental gradients differed significantly (<i>p</i>=0.001) and the environmental gradients explained almost 67% of the variability in insect distribution across the state. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis plot also suggested niche differences among these insect species.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.3958/059.035.0402