  • 《Journal of Rural Studies》 2022年94卷

摘要 : Drawing from Peck and Tickell's (2002) theory of roll-back and roll-out neoliberalism and Brenner et al.'s (2010) theory of variegated neoliberalism, this paper uses comparative historical analysis to understand how the state of W... 展开

作者 D'Onofrio~ Sarah  
期刊名称 《Journal of Rural Studies》
总页数 12
语种/中图分类号 英语 / C912  
关键词 CAFOs   Wisconsin   Neoliberalism   Political economy   Environmental policy   Dairy   ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS   STATE   AGRICULTURE   GEOGRAPHIES   POLITICS   IMPACTS   HEALTH   WATER  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0008719