  • 《American journal of rhinology & allergy》 2014年28卷5期

摘要 : Methods: A multicenter investigation was performed in 13 allergy centers in central China. A disease-related questionnaire was completed by each patient themselves or with guardian assistance after the diagnosis of AR. The clinica... 展开

作者 Chen~J.   Zhao~Y.   Li~B.   Zhang~Q.   Wan~L.   Liu~J.   Tian~X.   Li~G.   Zhou~J.   Zhang~L.   Wang~P.   Cheng~Q.   Liang~J.   Zhao~P.   He~J.   Lou~Z.   Lu~H.   Zhou~Y.   Zhang~Y.   Chen~X.   Pan~F.   Zhang~Z.   Zeng~L.   He~B.   Zeng~Y.   Xu~X.   Kong~W.  
期刊名称 《American journal of rhinology & allergy》
总页数 5
语种/中图分类号 英语 / R76  
关键词 Morphology   Primary progressive aphasia   Sentence comprehension   Sentence production   Syntax  
馆藏号 N2011EPST0000185