  • 《International Dairy Journal》 2000年10卷1/2期

摘要 : The ability of a purified proteinase from Pseudomonas fluorescens RO98 to hydrolyse bitter peptides found in Cheddar cheese was investigated. The purified proteinase was incubated with alphas1-casein fl-9 and beta-casein f193-209 ... 展开

作者 Koka R   Weimer BC  
期刊名称 《International Dairy Journal》
总页数 5
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TS252  
关键词 bitter peptides   cheeses   peptides   proteinases   aging   Cheddar cheese   Gouda cheese   hydrolysis   flavour   Pseudomonas fluorescens  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0008550