  • 《Archiv der Mathematik》 2022年119卷3期

摘要 : Abstract This paper is concerned with a boundary perturbation of m-dissipative linear operators. We provide conditions in such a way that the boundary perturbation preserves the m-dissipativity of operators. The perturbation of m-... 展开

作者 Amansag A.   Boulouz A.  
期刊名称 《Archiv der Mathematik》
总页数 10
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O1  
关键词 Dissipative operator   Accretive operator   Boundary perturbation   Analytic semigroup   Contraction semigroup   Primary 47A55   Secondary 47B44  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0000565