  • 《Current Opinion in Electrochemistry》 2021年29卷

摘要 : The integration of constriction structures such as nanopores and nanochannels into fluidic devices discloses powerful biosensing capabilities that can be tuned to a wide range of analytes through conceptually simple size calibrati... 展开

作者 Angeli~ Elena   Repetto~ Luca   Firpo~ Giuseppe   Valbusa~ Ugo  
期刊名称 《Current Opinion in Electrochemistry》
总页数 9
语种/中图分类号 英语 / O6  
关键词 Nanopores   Nanochannels   Biosensing   Nanoconfinement   DNA   Sequencing   2D materials  
馆藏号 N2018040400058915