[科技报告]PB  Groza, J. R., Kodash, V.7

摘要: Methods for the production of functionally graded material (FGM) are provided. FGM is processed by powder cold spraying ceramic-metal layers, the final shape is pre-pressed by cold isostatic pressing and is then sintered using fie... 展开

作者 Groza, J. R.   Kodash, V.  
原报告号 PB2008105244 总页数 7
主办者 Government Patent National Science Foundation
报告类别/文献类型 PB / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Patent applications   Heat resistant materials   Production methods   Medical applications   Aerospace industry   Electronics industry   Defense industry   Fracture toughness   Metals   Engineering materials   Functionally graded material (FGM)   Field activated sintering tech  