[科技报告]AD  Keller, T. M.20

摘要: The invention relates generally to linear polymers that can be cured to form high temperature elastomers and plastics, and in particular to a high temperature elastomer made by curing linear to poly(silarylene-siloxane- acetylene)... 展开

作者 Keller, T. M.  
原报告号 ADD019721 总页数 20
主办者 Government Patent Navy
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Patent applications   High temperature   Elastomers   Linear systems   Metals   Spacecraft   Polymers   Adhesion   Substrates   Fuel tanks   Acetylene   Hydrolysis   Aerospace industry   Jet engine fuels   Plastics   Sealing compounds   Poly(Silarylene- siloxane-acetylene)   Linear polymers  