[科技报告]AD  Burgess, M., Chang, T., Dunford, D., Hoh, R., Hudson, B.112

摘要: This report contains the description and results of a Synthetic Vision technology demonstration program conducted jointly by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Defense and industry. The relevant technologies in... 展开

作者 Burgess, M.   Chang, T.   Dunford, D.   Hoh, R.   Hudson, B.  
原报告号 ADA280564 总页数 112
主办者 Non Paid ADAS Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration
报告分类号 [63H - Radiofrequency Detection]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Head up displays   Landing aids   Radar images   Infrared images   Aircraft   Airports   Approach   Avionics   Collection   Computers   Demonstrations   Department of defense   Electronics   Facilities   Feet   Flight testing   Fog   Images   Industries   Instrumentation   Management   Measurement   Millimeter waves   Operation   Pilots   Precipitation   Processing   Radar   Rain   Runways   Selection   Snow   Statics   Takeoff   Test facilities   Test and evaluation   Towers   Visibility   Vision   Weather   Millimeter wave equipment  