[科技报告]AD  Eastman, L. F.7

摘要: The concepts, technology and the present experimental limits of performance of heterojunction modulation doped field effect transistors are covered. Both lattice-matched and strained, pseudomorphic quantum well channels on GaAs su... 展开

作者 Eastman, L. F.  
原报告号 ADA231064 总页数 7
主办者 Army Non Paid Reprints
报告分类号 [ 49H - Semiconductor Devices, 46D - Solid State Physics]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Atoms   Channels   Electron beams   Electrons   Energy bands   Energy gaps   Fabrication   Frequency standards   Gates(Circuits)   Layers   Limitations   Lithography   Noise   Power gain   Quantum theory   Short range(Time)   Substrates   Reprints   Field effect transistors   Gallium arsenides   Indium phosphides   Quantum wells   Lattice matching  