[科技报告]AD  Conn, S., Nolke, J., Koenen, B., Newman, S.42

摘要: The Air Force started development of the Blair Lakes Range in the early 1970s and has since that time used the range as an important training facility for strafing and bombing practice. In early 1993, the Air Force implemented a 2... 展开

作者 Conn, S.   Nolke, J.   Koenen, B.   Newman, S.  
原报告号 ADA611510 总页数 42
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [44G - Environmental &amp, Occupational Factors, 89D - Structural Analyses, 74E - Logistics, Military Facilities, &amp, Supplies, 68G - Environmental Health &amp, Safety]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Air force facilities   Construction   Environmental assessment   Air force training   Air quality   Cultural resources   Endangered species   Fishes   Geology   Ranges(Facilities)   Recreation   Soils   Targets   Vegetation   Water resources   Wetlands   Wildlife   Environmental justice   Fishery resources   Fonpa(Finding of no practicable alternative)   Fonsi(Finding of no significant impact)   Recreational resources   Strafe targets   Subsistence resources  