[科技报告]NASA  Ohkubo, K., Kawahata, K., Kawasumi, Y., Matsuoka, K., Noda, N.41

摘要: Experimental studies of lower hybrid ion heating in the Tokamak and stellarator plasmas were carried out in the JIPP T-2 torus. In both operations of the Tokamak and the stallarator, ion heating efficiency of bar n (e) delta T (i)... 展开

作者 Ohkubo, K.   Kawahata, K.   Kawasumi, Y.   Matsuoka, K.   Noda, N.  
原报告号 N83-29049 总页数 41
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Ion temperature   Plasma heating   Radio frequency heating   Stellarators   Tokamak devices   Toroidal plasmas   Flux density   Impurities   Plasma currents   Refractivity   Waveguides  