[科技报告]DE  Chen, S. S., Jendrzejczyk, J. A.78

摘要: A mathematical model for the instability of tube rows subjected to crossflow is examined. The theoretical model, based on the fluid-force data for a pitch-to-diameter ratio of 1.33, provides additional insight into the instability... 展开

作者 Chen, S. S.   Jendrzejczyk, J. A.  
原报告号 DE83004398 总页数 78
主办者 Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
报告分类号 [77H - Reactor Engineering & Nuclear Power Plants]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Lmfbr type reactors   Steam generators   Heat exchangers   Hydraulics   Heat transfer   Tubes   Instability   Hydrodynamics   Stresses   Mechanical vibrations  