[机翻] 基于热红外遥感数据非线性插值的LST-VI特征空间土壤水分测定方法
  • 《Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of》 2015年8卷2期

摘要 : Soil moisture is an important parameter that is widely used for drought monitoring and characterizing environment. Based on the universal triangular space constructed by the normalized land surface temperature (LST) and normalized... 展开

作者 Dianjun Zhang   Ronglin Tang   Bo-Hui Tang   Hua Wu   Zhao-Liang Li  
期刊名称 《Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of》
页码/总页数 638-648 / 11
语种 英语
关键词 hydrological techniques   hydrology   land surface temperature   polynomials   soil   vegetation mapping   Carlsons function   FVC   LST-VI feature space   NDVI   Noah LSM   Noah land surface model   North China Plain   RMSE   SSM   Yucheng meteorological station   atmospheric condition effect   drought monitoring   energy balance principle   environment characterization   fractional vegetation cover   high-estimation accuracy   nonlinear interpolation   nonlinear interpolation function   normalized difference vegetation index   normalized land surface temperature   quadratic polynomial equation   reduced coefficient number   regional scale   root-mean-square error   soil moisture determination simple method   soil moisture estimation   soil water content in situ measurement   surface soil moisture estimation   theoretical limiting edge   thermal infrared remotely sensed data   universal triangular space   Atmospheric modeling   Equations   Land surface temperature   Mathematical model   Soil moisture   Vegetation mapping   Nonlinear interpolation   soil moisture   thermal infrared remote sensing   universal triangle method  
馆藏号 IELEP0298