An integrated environment for the simulation of VLSI fabricationprocesses is presented. Emphasis is put on automated operation toachieve maximum efficiency in TCAD deployment. Addressing the increasingnumber and diversity of proce...
An integrated environment for the simulation of VLSI fabricationprocesses is presented. Emphasis is put on automated operation toachieve maximum efficiency in TCAD deployment. Addressing the increasingnumber and diversity of process steps in state-of-the-art semiconductorfabrication processes, mechanisms have been devised to support thesmooth, automatic interaction of heterogeneous simulation tools withmultiple data formats in the context of large-scale experiments forglobal calibration, device optimization, and yield improvement tasks.For maximum versatility, the operation of the environment is eithercontrolled via a graphical user interface, a batch file, or acombination of the two. It is possible to submit predefined analysistasks for background execution, while still being able to monitor andcontrol operation and to access and view simulation data interactively.Split-lot experiments are performed on workstation clusters in paralleloperation, delivering the desired results in the shortest possible time.The TCAD environment presented offers server functionality for runninglarge number of complex simulations. At the same time, it supports thedesign and seamless integration into the environment of client taskapplications