[机翻] 森林采伐对北方平原坡地土壤温度、贮水量及运动规律的影响
  • 《Journal of environmental engineering and science》 2005年4卷6期

摘要 : Through its effect on vegetation, forest harvesting affects soil moisture storage, water movement processes, and soil temperature. The effects of harvest on water storage and movement patterns and on soil temperature during the sn... 展开

作者 I.R. Whitson   D.S. Chanasyk   E.E. Prepas  
期刊名称 《Journal of environmental engineering and science》
页码/总页数 p.429-439 / 11
语种/中图分类号 英语 / X  
关键词 forest harvest   soil moisture   soil thaw   bromide   interflow   boreal  
馆藏号 X-129