[机翻] 具有超宽动态范围浮点像素级ADC的640/spl次/512cmos图像传感器
  • 《IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits》 1999年34卷12期

摘要 : Analysis results demonstrate that multiple sampling can achieve consistently higher signal-to-noise ratio at equal or higher dynamic range than using other image sensor dynamic range enhancement schemes such as well capacity adjus... 展开

作者 Yang~ D.X.D.   Gamal~ A.E.  
期刊名称 《IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits》
页码/总页数 P.1821-1834 / 14
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TN40   TN7  
关键词 CMOS image sensors   Dynamic range   Image sampling   Pixel   CMOS technology   Image analysis   Signal analysis   Signal to noise ratio   Image sensors   Analog-digital conversion  
DOI 10.1109/4.808907
馆藏号 IELEP0242