[机翻] 浮井概念在无闩锁、低成本、智能电源高压侧开关技术中的应用
  • 《IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices》 1993年40卷7期

摘要 : An original design methodology that permits implementing latch-up-free smart power circuits on a very simple, cost-effective technology is presented. The basic concept used for this purpose is letting float the wells of the MOS tr... 展开

作者 Bafleur~ M.   Buxo~ J.  
期刊名称 《IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices》
页码/总页数 P.1340-1342 / 3
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TM10   TN  
关键词 Switches   Tellurium   Voltage   CMOS technology   CMOS logic circuits   Switching circuits   Leakage current   Diodes   MOSFETs   Automotive applications  
DOI 10.1109/16.216442
馆藏号 IELEP0099