[机翻] 宏观层面的变化与微观层面的影响:英国杂货购物行为变化的二十年透视
  • 《Journal of retailing and consumer services》 2006年13卷6期

摘要 : In this paper we summarise key elements of retail change in Britain over a twenty-year period. The time period is that covered by a funded study into long-term change in grocery shopping habits in Portsmouth, England. The major em... 展开

作者 Ronan De Kervenoael   Alan Hallsworth   Ian Clarke  
期刊名称 《Journal of retailing and consumer services》
页码/总页数 p.381-392 / 12
语种/中图分类号 英语 / F7  
关键词 retail structure   locality   lifestyle   grocery  
馆藏号 f-118