[机翻] 皮尼奥斯河(希腊塞萨利亚)的营养化学
  • 《Environment international》 2004年30卷1期

摘要 : The impact of human activities with 3-year monitoring on the fluctuation of nutrients along the Pinios River and its tributaries were studied. Their seasonal variations throughout the years 1996-1998 were also presented. High temp... 展开

作者 D. Bellos   T. Sawidis   I. Tsekos  
期刊名称 《Environment international》
页码/总页数 p.105-115 / 11
语种/中图分类号 英语 / X2  
关键词 rivers   nutrients   eutrophication   nitrates   nitrites   pollution  
馆藏号 X-023