[机翻] 筛板电化学反应器制备氧化乙烯第二部分:反应器数学模型及影响乙烯和溴相对浓度的因素
  • 《Chemical Engineering Journal and Biochemical Engineering Journal》 1996年61卷1期

摘要 : The sieve plate electrochemical reactor is a unit for enabling electrochemical reaction of gaseous species in the liquid phase. The reaction can occur either directly at the surface of the electrodes or indirectly with electrochem... 展开

作者 K. Scott   W. Hui  
期刊名称 《Chemical Engineering Journal and Biochemical Engineering Journal》
页码/总页数 p.13-20 / 8
语种/中图分类号 英语 / TQ  
关键词 ethene oxide   sieve plate electrochemical reactor   mathematical reactor model   ethene   bromine  
馆藏号 TQ-220