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    [科技报告]   Wheeler, E. H.        共7页
    摘要 : The objectives of this study were as follows: to describe the condition of the swimbladder in the abundant species of the collection, including measurements where feasible, and to determine the effect of formaldehyde preservation ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Stanton, T. K.   Chu, D.        共20页
    摘要 : Long-Term Goals: To understand and exploit the resonance scattering by swimbladder-bearing fish (typically in the 1-10 kHz frequency region). Exploitation of the resonances can significantly reduce ambiguities in interpreting acou... 展开

    [科技报告]   Stanton, T. K.   Jech, J. M.   Gauss, R. C.        共10页
    摘要 : Long-term Goals: To accurately describe the spatial and temporal distributions of fish and to quantify the mid-frequency clutter characteristics of fish. Objectives: To conduct a new class of quantitative acoustic studies of scatt... 展开

    [科技报告]   Diachok, O.        共6页
    摘要 : Demonstrate the potential of bioacoustic absorption spectroscopy for tomographic mapping of the bioacoustic parameters of fish with swim bladders in shallow water.

    [科技报告]   Stanton, T. K.        共3页
    摘要 : To understand and exploit acoustic reverberation by and transmission through fish and related acoustic signal processing. The focus will be on swimbladder-bearing fish with resonance frequencies in the 100's of Hz to low kHz.

    [科技报告]   Stanton, T. K.   Chu, D.   Jech, J. M.        共9页
    摘要 : To understand and exploit the resonance scattering by swimbladder- bearing fish (typically in the 1-10 kHz frequency region). Exploitation of the resonances can significantly reduce ambiguities in interpreting acoustic scattering ... 展开

    [科技报告]   Johnson, R. K.        共22页
    摘要 : The mesopelagic animals which are most often detected acoustically are those which contain gas bubbles within their bodies. In the waters off the Oregon coast, the most abundant animals which contain gas bubbles are myctophids. Bo... 展开

    [科技报告]   Feuillade, C.        共8页
    摘要 : This report contains information on the FY15 final year personnel, activities, accomplishments, and publications, of this project, which was part of the ONR Fish Acoustics Basic Research Challenge.

    [科技报告]   Stanton, T. K.        共3页
    摘要 : To understand and exploit acoustic reverberation by and transmission through fish and related acoustic signal processing. The focus will be on swimbladder-bearing fish with resonance frequencies in the 100's of Hz to low kHz.

    [科技报告]   Feuillade, C.        共9页
    摘要 : The goal is the development of a time-domain acoustical method for investigating the spatial and temporal stochastic variations in fish density within fish schools, and thereby study the statistical fluctuations in the scattering ... 展开
